Tuesday, October 6, 2009


This photo is of a tree behind my apartment, its the only tree in the yard. I took this photo around 10am, because it was when I got a chance to take the photos. There really isn't much significance in the subject or time. The main focus of this project is the tree. The lines of the tree create an upward movement in this photo, also the colors of the tree are more vivid which puts the emphasis on it. The background in the photograph is included, but there isn't any real emphasis on it the colors are cooler and in one area it is black and white. I used f/4.8 and the shatter speed was 1/320, because it was taken in the morning I had to leave the shutter open slightly longer so there was enough light and the aperture was used because I wanted to keep the background in focus for when I had to piece the photo's together. The photos I used were in focus. Once I finished piecing all of the photos together and adjusting them, the subject is not quite as clear, but there is alot of focus on color and texture that was created and it causes a semi abstract feel which I liked. This image was fairly rushed, so I did not really have any real connection with the image, I took alot of time piecing all the photos together and really wanted to emphasize the fact that these were individual images. The effects on the image was alot of color adjustments and overlays, I really wasn't sure where I was going with the image due to the fact that it had no real significance to me. The outside edges of the montage bother me the most, it does create contrast with the black background, but looks sloppy. I like the textures created by the effects on the photos, if I was going to do anything differently I think I would have found a subject matter with more significance to me.

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